Idiot light pod!!!
I can't put my gauges in from my other Monte. The pods are completely different. The idiot light pod is configured for lights as seen below. The gauge type pod has connectors like the one below on the top left, that's where the gas gauge goes.
My soldered hard wired connections. The circuit board has the connections labeled so it was easy to see which spot to solder the wire too.
This is the back of the center cluster gauges that came out of an 85 SS. See the connectors?
This is the back of the idiot light cluster. See the difference? I am thinking about hard wiring these as well. I have to see what I want to do....
I haven't decided what I want to do yet. I just might get a set of gauges and mount them under the dash with velcro so I don't mess up the dash with screws and stuff. But if any has a gauge pod this color that's in MINT condition they want to sell let me know... Thanks...